Jun 17Liked by Kerry Burge

Oh Kerry, I didn't know how long you'd been abused but I vividly remember the cross top ordeal. I went to give you my morning hug and you moaned in pain. Damn I wish I could've helped you then.

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Jun 13Liked by Kerry Burge

Good grief young lady why oh why did you not speak up to me.. I know you ddn't like me coming to any sports that you were doing .. I would slip in so you would't see me but your classmates would..

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D just spent the past year dealing with a teacher who had sex with a minor student and a principle who didn't report it. Then there was the senior class who pranked the school with some extremely inappropriate things. The principle didn't have the fortitude to call them in and straighten them out so D did. If "grown ups" took more responsibility, did the right thing instead of the mealy thing and didn't care what people thought about them the world would be a much easier place to live in. I've noticed while watching how D navigates through personal relationships at school that the adults rarely take the kind of responsibility that would make the difference in how a kid grows up. And that's at school. I can't begin to address how adults at home devastate entire lives of their children but you just put it simply into words. There are so many more layers under the few matter of fact things that you said. Of course there is! Things you probably haven't even worked out yet and may never. I'm so sorry the adults in your life didn't have the fortitude, like this principle didn't, to help you when they saw the need. And they probably did but didn't want to get involved. The shame that you carried is on those adults that abused you and kept silent yet the child is the one who carried it. This was a deep share. Thank you.

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Oh Kerry, I never knew. Sending hugs big time. I knew you were a survivor, I didn’t know from what.

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